Frequently Asked Questions

How does it work?

Code an HTML form into any page and let Form Delegate handle the rest. From data retention to file storage and email notifications, Form Delegate takes the complexities out of form handling. Just point your form's action attribute to our service.

Is this project ready for production usage?

No. This project is still in early development. At this stage, Form Delegate does not guarantee data integrity nor can it make any guarantees regarding service uptime.

What are the free tier limitations?

The free tier service is limited to a maximum of 100 submissions per month and 1 gigabyte of total file storage. There is no cap to the number of form endpoints that can be created.

Are forms with file input fields allowed?

Yes, Form Delegate supports file uploads which are securely accessible through our service.

How do integrations work?

Form Delegate supports integrations with a number of third-party services such as Zapier and Ifttt. To integrate with a service, click the "Add Integration" button on the form's settings page.

What are domain allow lists?

If you wish to restrict form submissions to specific domains, you can do so by adding them to the form's allow list.